Learn about Mark Masonry
The 4 steps to the Mark is an opportunity to hold an ‘open night’ with a focused presentation about the Mark Degree. It provides an opportunity for non-Mark members as well as existing Mark Med to learn about Mark Masonry.

Our Mission Statement
Is to make our Vision a reality by ensuring that:
Membership of the Mark Degree is a meaningful and affordable source of fulfilment, enjoyment, enhancing pride for all members.
Every Mason who is eligible for membership knows about the Mark Degree, likes what he sees and has sufficient information to be able to make an informed decision on becoming a member or not.
The Mark Degree is promoted effectively within and beyond the Order.
The “Fourth step to the Mark”, is a presentation for those seeking information with a view to becoming a member of the Mark Degree. It is carried out by experienced brethren to explain all about the Mark Degree and what is involved. It is also an opportunity to enlighten and answer questions.
For many Masonry ends with the Craft or Chapter, but this need not be the case. Degrees, including the Mark Degree, are open to those who wish to further their study. The Mark Degree is the third largest Order in Freemasonry.
The Mark Master Mason’s Degree is one of hope, encouragement and achievement. The ceremony is based around a single verse from Psalm 118; “the stone which the builders rejected has become the headstone of the corner”. It refers to the building of King Solomon’s Temple and the various Craftsmen employed, but its real message is one of reflection about human strengths and weaknesses.
Within the Province of Durham there are around 40 Mark Master Mason Lodges with a current membership of around 1600 and 20 Royal Ark Mariner Lodges with a current membership of 600.
The Mark Degree is well known not only for its friendliness, fun and the high quality of its ritual, but also for its social events. Lodges hold a variety of events for members and their families and Provincial Grand Lodge holds a very successful Annual Gala Dinner.
The Degree has several messages for the discerning man and illustrates that the wisest of men can be mistaken, that experts can be wrong, that the weakest often display perseverance far better than the strongest, that the unusual has the potential for distinction and that we all have a part to play in the Building of Life.
It is for each of us to put his own emphasis on the messages which the Degree proclaims, but there is clear encouragement that no man is beyond redemption and the possibility of distinction is within our power. Finally, the degree reminds us that when all the wisest and cleverest of men were gathered together only one had the wisdom to know what to look for in the Temple.
The Degree represents our everyday life, for the rough stone hewn from the quarries depicts us all on our life’s journey and is an encouragement to ‘Mark Well’

Mark Masonry is held in great affection by members, and a well-performed ceremony is enthralling, entertaining and, though meaningful, gives room for some levity during proceedings. Brethren enjoy visiting other lodges within their locality and further afield.
A good article published in Freemasonry Today is reproduced here and provides more information about the history of the Degree and its origins.
If you wish to join the Mark Degree, you can find out more here.
If you’re not a Freemason and want to find out more, you can start here.