The Mark Province of Northumberland and Durham was constituted in 1870. After 50 years of expansion, it was decided that this very large Province would split and, in 1920 Durham became a Mark Province in its own right. We are therefore acknowledging one hundred years as a Province for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham of Mark Master Masons in 2020.
The importance of our history was not lost by the leadership team of our Province. Our Provincial Grand Master invited Adam Lamb, the Provincial Archivist of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham (Craft), to research and record for the first time, the history of Mark Masonry in the Province of Durham, from 1920 to 2020.
The Office of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, at the Esplanade, Sunderland houses a resplendent Museum with amazing Masonic items of interest and a huge amount of interesting and informative documentation. The task undertaken was itself enormous and is now completed. The short presentation can be viewed here.
During the Centenary year of the Province of Durham, we are running the Centenary Fund to generate funds, which are being matched by the Durham Provincial Benevolent Committee to provide donations to worthy causes supporting young people. Each Lodge will be able to nominate causes and will be able to present the donations directly on behalf of the Benevolent Fund / Centenary Fund. It is hoped to exceed £60,000 which will enable up to £1000 to be presented by each Lodge. More news will be announced as we close in on our centenary in 2020.
This is an exciting project which will celebrate our centenary, highlight our charitable objectives and be of great benefit to young and often disadvantaged people in our Province.

The Centenary Dinner
To Mark the Centenary, there will be a formal dinner and occasion of celebration.
Unfortunately, the event has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is hoped that this can be re-arranged after the pandemic is over.
The Centenary Festival Director, Frank Rankin has announced details of the date for the Centenary Dinner at Hardwick Hall, this Dinner is NOW booked for –– FRIDAY 14 th MAY 2021.
Note: This booking is subject to final confirmation of the entertainment artists booking as well as any Covid 19 restrictions still in force in May 2021.

New Provincial Ties to mark the Centenary
The Provincial Team took the opportunity of updating the existing Durham Mark tie with a new design highlighting the Centenary. The new ties feature the crest and text in a more prominent position which will be visible above the waistcoat. The ties are available from Graham Wharton or through your Lodge Secretary at a modest price of £12. You could also catch up with the Provincial Team, who will have a small supply with them, at one of their visits - you can check out where they will be at HERE
The surplus from the sale of the ties will go towards the Centenary Fund and thereafter to other Festival Funds.