The Mark Province of Durham was formed on the 12th June 1920. The current Provincial Grand Master thought it would be fitting to have a memento of the history of the Mark Province of Durham Centenary. He invited Adam Lamb to research and record the history of Mark Masonry in the Province of Durham, from 1920 to 2020. This will be the first time that this research has been completed. Adam is the Provincial Archivist of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham (Craft). Adam established a small team consisting of Mark Smith, Phil Errington and Ron Woods.
The PGM is most grateful to Adam and all the members of his team for their work in producing such a wonderful record of the history of Mark Masonry in Durham. However, it was so sad that just at the completion of the work, Phil Errington passed away. In recognition of his contribution it is, with the support of the other members of the team, and with the approval of Mrs Errington, that our PGM has asked that the history be dedicated to the memory of Phil Errington.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Durham
Here is a brief history of the Durham Province to mark its centenary in 2020.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland and Durham was established in 1870. The Rt. Hon. Earl Percy was installed as its first Provincial Grand Master.
The Province grew over the next 50 years and many new Lodges were consecrated.

The Provincial Grand Master announced on 12th June 1920 at a special meeting, that the province would be divided. HRH The Most Worshipful Grand Master had agreed to divide the Province into two separate provinces.
Lord Ravensworth was installed as the first Provincial Grand Master of the new Province of Durham.
Since then there have been a further 8 Provincial Grand Masters and Prof. Denovan Keith Wilson is our current PGM and the ninth head of our Province.
In 1921, Darlington Mark Lodge No.250 presented the first Provincial Banner to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Durham. The second and current Banner was presented in 2000.
The presentation below provides a further and more detailed insight to the history of our Province to mark its Centenary.
Please click on the link and enjoy the short video presentation.

Durham Mark Lodges
The Province of Northumberland and Durham started with just two Mark Lodges. These were the Northumberland & Berwick upon Tweed Lodge and the Eclectic Lodge.
There were 10 Mark Lodges in the new Province at the time the Province of Durham was created. There are a lot more now!
This family tree shows how the Lodges have developed over the years.
If you are interested in finding all the Lodges and where they are located, there are details on the Lodge and Halls page, here.

Centenary Booklet
The Mark Province of Durham Centenary and the history of the Province were also recorded in the form of a booklet.
This is available to view or download by clicking on the image to the left.
Centenary Project
To help celebrate the Centenary of the Durham Mark Province, a project was established to benefit young people in the Province. More details about this project can be found here.