Finally, there was to be a collective celebratory event the ‘Centenary Dinner’ at Hardwick Hall on the 13th June 2020, followed by our Centenary Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26th June 2020. Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus pandemic both had to be postponed until further notice. Despite the initial disappointment we all felt on the cancellation of both events, there are now signs that the coronavirus restrictions are being steadily released…
As a result, the Centenary Festival Director, V.W.Bro. Frank Rankin has announced details of the date for the Centenary Dinner at Hardwick Hall, this Dinner is NOW booked for –– FRIDAY 14 th MAY 2021.
Note: This booking is subject to final confirmation of the entertainment artists booking as well as any Covid 19 restrictions still in force in May 2021.
We hope this date is acceptable to all who had booked. However if you are unable to attend please contact Arthur Clark at ( who will arrange a refund for you.
The Brethren who have reserved accommodation at Hardwick Hall will need to rebook this for the new date, but be aware that booking facilities for this are not yet confirmed by the Hotel at present. Please contact the Hardwick Hotel for updates on when bookings can be made for the 14th May 2021.