• Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners
  • Rockcliffe Mariners

Rockcliffe Royal Ark Mariners Centenary

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Rockcliffe Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners celebrated their Centenary anniversary in Jarrow Masonic Hall. For this wonderful achievement and occasion, they were honoured to receive not only the Provincial Grand Master David Hanson and his team of Provincial Officers but, they were extremely delighted to also receive the Assistant Grand Master Denovan K Wilson.

The AGM gave an introduction of the Lodge history, highlighting that it was one of the first to be consecrated in the newly formed Province of Durham after the separation of the Durham and Northumberland Provinces in 1920. Since then, it has been one of the vanguard Mariner Lodges in the Province. He noted that there had been a succession of wonderful brethren in the Lodge including James Peter Croft, the past Provincial Grand Master of Durham who was installed as Commander of the Lodge in 1993.

The Lodge had its origins at a time of shipbuilding along the River Tyne and would be based at South Shields. A prominent Mason in the area was John Readhead who was associated with the family shipbuilding business. At the time of the Consecration he was living at a house named “Rockcliffe” which was also to lend its name to a number of ships built at the shipyard. It is thought that this was where the Lodge name originated.

One hundred years is a fantastic milestone for any lodge especially when that lodge is still very much alive and well. He acknowledged the fantastic achievement by Rockcliffe Royal Ark Mariners Lodge before presenting them with the Centenary Warrant.

He then stated that it would be his honour and pleasure to present the members of Rockcliffe Mariners Lodge with their commemorative jewel. The members in procession proudly received their respective jewel from the Assistant Grand Master.

The Worshipful Master presented the PGM with two cheques for £300 to go to the Durham Mark Benevolent Fund and the other for the Durham 2029 MBF Festival. These were gratefully received, however there was another presented by Gordon Finch for £200. This was the surplus of recent fund raising. He was to do a little more at the festive board selling the little easter chicks.

After the meeting everyone retired to the dining room for a wonderful meal and refreshment. This was accompanied by a lot of conversation and a chance to read through the Centenary booklet which provided an insight to the formation and history of the Lodge.

The Provincial Grand Master gave the toast to the Assistant Grand Master. He said it was a delight to have him in attendance and how proud the brethren in the Province are to have him as their AGM. In responding, the AGM thanked the Worshipful Commander Christopher Raven and his brethren for making everyone so warmly welcome. He also thanked the Lodge for a wonderful evening and looked forward to their next anniversary.

Well done Rockcliffe RAM on this achievement and here’s to future success.

For more information about the Durham 2029 MBF Festival click HERE

Click HERE to view the history of the Province booklet