• Darlington Steadfast

Darlington Steadfast Lodge support refuge

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Freemasons will fully understand the support they get from their partners and families. Unfortunately, there are some in our communities who do not enjoy such good family lives. Sadly, some even have to flee their home with children and nothing more than they can carry. In such circumstances there are few options but safe refuges, usually run by small charitable organisations such as Family Help.

The members of the Darlington Steadfast Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 250 heard about the work of “Family Help”. They also became aware of their need for assistance.

Family Help is a high security home for women and children who are fleeing from domestic violence. The home provides fully furnished private rooms for the families or single women until such times as they can safely return to their own home.

The management and staff consist of volunteers who are on call 24/7 and 365 days year round. This has been a lifeline for victims of domestic violence for 47 years and relies on private donations only.

The residents can be brought to the home at any time, day or night and apart from secure protection, the home will provide clothing, food. medication etc. to all residents.

In the photograph can be seen Don Marshall and Doug Crabtree, Benevolent Rep. for the Darlington-Steadfast Lodge with Mrs. Gemma Cordey of Family Help. For reasons of security, it was necessary for Don to make the presentation away from a refuge.

The donation of £500 will help towards the installation of a new high security, high tech system of all external doors.

Established in 1976, Family Help Darlington CIO is an award-winning independent charity and home to Darlington’s only women’s refuge – one of the longest-standing refuges in the UK.

Every year, Family Help accommodates around 60 women and 100 children that are suffering domestic abuse. The charity provides a safe, welcoming home and a supportive team who encourage progress towards positive outcomes and a future free of domestic abuse.

More information and ways to support the charity can be found HERE

Information on the local Durham Mark Benevolent Fund can be found HERE

The work of the Mark Benevolent Fund can be found HERE