Generosity abounds at Hackworth Mark

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On a cold frosty night on Tuesday 4 th February the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Trevor Lynn, was given a very warm welcome on an Official Visit to Hackworth Lodge of Mark Master Masons, held at Shildon.

Over forty Brethren, including thirteen Grand Lodge Officers were present to witness a very well worked demonstration Ceremony of Advancement led by the Worshipful Master, Stan Hunter.

Afterwards at a vibrant and very friendly Festive Board, two senior Representatives from Bishop Auckland Air Cadets were invited to dine along with the Brethren.

The Assistant PGM, in his response to the toast to the Provincial Officers, enthused at the large number of Officers in the Lodge, who are on the ladder of progression but have not yet been through the chair. They include both Wardens, the three Overseers, both Deacons, Inner Guard and Tyler, which bodes well for the long term future of the Lodge.

An excellent Masonic evening was rounded off when the WM presented the Representatives of the Bishop Auckland Air Cadets with a cheque for £1000.00 from the Durham Mark Benevolent Fund, to conclude the Lodge’s successful nomination to benefit young persons, in this Centenary Year for the Province. The generosity did not end there however, when the WM duly handed over a further cheque for £138.00 from the Lodge raffle proceeds.

A truly memorable evening at Shildon showing the essence of Freemasonry at its best.