• Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting
  • Annual Meeting

The Durham Mark Annual Meeting was a scorcher

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The Mark Province of Durham held their 104th Annual Meeting at the now traditional Dunston venue of The FED on Wednesday 26 June. Whilst preparations commenced the previous day and early on the morning for the Secretarial and DC teams, most arrived around lunch time for the afternoon meeting. Everyone was warmly welcomed by the reception team and the weather also played its part with the sun shining strongly. It was to be a very warm day in many respects.

It is hard to single out what makes this meeting so special and many different people will enjoy it for many different reasons. Some are there to support the outgoing Provincial Officers on their last day in Office and some to congratulate the newly appointed officers on their investment. Some are here for the pomp and ceremony which always accompanies this event which this year featured Stone Bearers in the main procession. Some are here just to catch up with old friends, as this is sometimes the only time they get to meet. But, highly likely, most are there for all the above and the organising team do their best to make it the best possible occasion.

Not only do Mark Masons from the Province of Durham attend the Annual Meeting but we are always delighted to welcome so many Distinguished Brethren from other Provinces and Orders. The Durham hospitality treating guests on arrival to scrumptious cakes made by the Deputy Secretary’s dear wife Elaine Wharton. It is always wonderful to have past rulers attend and especially our immediate past PGM, Prof Denovan Wilson Assistant Grand Master. They were all greeted with much acclaim by the assembled brethren.

An important moment in the proceedings and also a very pleasing sight to see the Royal Ark Mariners Installed Commanders parade into the meeting who are likewise warmly welcomed.

The Durham Mark Annual Meeting is the culmination of a hard but very enjoyable year for many, not least the Provincial Grand Master and his Provincial Team. It is also the beginning of another memorable year for them and very many other brethren. It is a time to reflect on the achievements of the year but also plan for the coming year.

It is of course a very special time for many of Durham’s Mark Masons and almost certainly the highlight of the event, when they receive their Provincial Appointments and Promotions. To all who received an honour, we thank you for your past commitment to Mark Masonry and your Lodges, and also thank you in anticipation of your continued and future exertions.

The Active Provincial Team can be found HERE

The full list of Appointments and Promotions can be found HERE

The Provincial Grand Master, David Hanson addressed the meeting and gave his thoughts and desires for the future of Mark Masonry in the Province. The future is up to us brethren, to encourage more to join this wonderful Order and also the Royal Ark Mariners.

He talked about the Durham 2029 Festival and the fantastic work of the Festival Team who have sold hundreds of Festival Jewels, facilitated many Continuous Giving mandates and made presentations throughout the Province. He also advised that the sum raised so far is just over £474,000 which is an amazing achievement.

The PGM explained the good work of the Durham Mark Benevolent Fund and made reference to the Craft PGM, John Thompson who extols the mantra of being stronger together. In doing so, he had the pleasure of presenting a donation to the Royal and Select. He then followed by thanking the brethren of Durham for making this all possible through their generous donations. John Thompson on behalf of the Craft then presented yet another donation to the Festival.

The floor was then given to John David Watts, Festival Chairman who spoke about the amazing work the MBF were doing. This being demonstrated by the presence of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade vehicle which was stationed at the entrance to the meeting. This vehicle was funded by the MBF and is just one of the many ways everyone’s generosity is used for worthy and beneficial causes.

John further explained that many brethren had already been presented MBF honourific collarettes throughout the year. He then asked a number of brethren who had recently been awarded an honourific to come forward to be presented with their collarettes. Notably were Allan Gurney who received Grand Patron Diamond, Bede and Ravensworth Union Lodges which also achieved Diamond and Ravensworth Union Lodge also received the Grand Master Keystone award.

The Assistant Grand Master was then delighted to be able to present the PGM with the Grand Patron Diamond collarette for the Province of Durham.

The PGM then thanked all the retiring officers for their support over the previous year. David continued and thanked some officers who had served for several years in their respective roles and in particular Roy Neville who was retiring from Charity Steward. David advised that VW Roy Neville was just being released from hospital meaning he was unable to be present. Roy had served as treasurer to the Durham Mark Benevolent committee and as Charity Steward for many years. David then requested the Provincial Secretary to read out the Certificate of Service to Mark Masonry. This David informed, would be presented to Roy at his convenience by the Executive and members of his Lodge.

A flurry of activity soon followed transforming the venue from the Annual Meeting into a banquet hall for well over 200 people. This gave the brethren a chance to cool off, have a couple of drinks and catch up with friends before the meal.

With everyone in high spirits, the celebrations continued to the festive board where a wonderful meal was enjoyed by all.

The health of the brethren attending is always safeguarded with the attendance of the St John Ambulance Service. It is only cordial that we reciprocate and also make a donation towards the service.

As in previous years the meeting was a great success and a credit to the organising team, who worked tirelessly to produce a brilliant day for the many brethren from all over the Province of Durham and distinguished visitors from far and wide.

Many more photographs were taken at the event and can be found HERE