On Monday 21st October 2019 the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, David Hanson made an official visit to Bernard Gilpin RAM Lodge which meets at Hetton le Hole.
Once everyone had assembled, the main purpose of the evening was to carry out a demonstration ceremony of Advancement.
At the festive board David congratulated the Worshipful Commander John McCormack and his Officers for an excellent ceremony which was carried out with decorum and sincerity. He also informed the brethren of the new website which was being built and the importance for the lodge to submit their nomination of their chosen good cause, for our Centenary celebrations. David also mentioned the idea of a RAM and Mark lodge meeting on the same evening which created a lot of interest.
An excellent festive board was enjoyed by all. Another excellent night with wonderful fellowship and friendship within the RAM degree. If you’re not already in the RAMs, why not consider joining?