• The Moseley presenters
  • Deputy PGM with the Worshipful Commander

Deputy PGM Visits Moseley RAM

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Moseley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners meets in Birtley and has a mixture of young and experienced members.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master David Hanson made an official visit to Moseley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners on Monday 25th November 2019.  To help enlighten members and visitors, and provide something a little different, the Lodge provided an explanation of the Tracing Board. This was divided into 4 parts.  Ralph Short started, with Fred Piggford and Mark Gilpin doing the middle sections, and Malclom Graham doing the last part.  All 4 brethren performed their parts to a high standard.

Another highlight of the evening was that the lodge balloted for a candidate who will be elevated in January.  So, if you have a free evening on the 27th January 2020, please come along where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome.