A Christmas Message from the PGM to all our members.
Dear Brethren,
This time last year our Centenary plans were in place and we were looking forward to a year of celebration. How could we possibly have known that the year ahead would be such a difficult one, the like of which few of us have ever experienced or could even imagine! Early in 2020 the first cases of Coronavirus were recorded and in a few weeks the outbreak was classified as a Pandemic.
The phases of the Pandemic, and the various actions taken by the Government and Masonic Ruling Bodies are well known to us and need not be reiterated here. Suffice to say that the effects of the Pandemic are widespread and are touching all of us in one way or another. One of these effects is prolonged isolation, which is difficult for us as social beings, and for some of us is quite an unusual experience. How pleasing it is that so many of you have contacted and supported one another and in doing so demonstrating how true it is that, “Among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends”. Indeed, you have done more than this. You haven’t simply gone out there to find a friend; you have gone out there to be a friend, which has been so effective and quite inspirational. Long may it continue.
Although the Pandemic is still raging, the treatment and vaccines that have been developed offer genuine hope that the tide will soon be turned. This hope will be greatly increased if we each do our very best to keep ourselves and others safe and well.
Despite all the difficulties and restrictions, Dorothy and I extend our very best wishes to you. We hope that for you and your loved ones the Festive Season and the year ahead will be the very best they can possibly be.
Denny Wilson