• Ryton Needs Your Help

Ryton Needs Your Help

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Ryton Royal Ark Mariners no. 1714 need your help. This friendliest of Lodges out in the sticks at Ryton has suffered the tragic loss of 3 of our prominent members all within a few weeks of each other. Now we are down to 10 members with 9 of those regular attenders (Don’t be put off by the photo) We really need some new blood.

Any members of the Mariners degree who fancy another Lodge to stimulate their interest or indeed a MMM who would like to be Elevated into this special degree away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities would especially be welcome.

We meet 3 times a year on the 1st Wednesday in April, September and November, usually a small buffet meal, plenty of car parking and fees of £45 a year. Put us in your diary – it would be great to see you.

Interested? Contact our Scribe George Paylor on rytonrams1714@gmail.com or gpaylor@hotmail.co.uk

It is a lovely hall, in its own grounds and it is only 3 miles west of the A1 Scotswood Bridge, so its not too far. A link to the location can be found HERE or on the website in the What’s On section, Lodge Locations.