All shipshape at Shipley Mark

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Friday 6th March 2020 was the first working meeting of the reactivated Shipley Mark Lodge. Worshipful Master, David Hanson had a busy night getting through the business and advancing two new members. It was very pleasing to see the Lodge … Continued

Darlington Mark does Mark Mastermind

posted in: Mark | 0

The Provincial Grand Master and his Deputation visited Darlington Mark Lodge on 8th January 2020. The Lodge saw this as a perfect occasion to do something a little bit different. Darlington Mark did a Mark Mastermind. The Lodge has its … Continued

Shipley Mark Lodge Reactivated

posted in: Mark | 0

Something very special occurred on Friday January 3rd. It was something very rarely witnessed. It was the evening that the Shipley Mark Lodge was reactivated. What an evening it was and it will be remembered by all who were there. … Continued

The Mark helps Santa in Dawdon

posted in: Charity | 0

Santa made an early appearance at Dawdon Community Centre in Seaham on Dec 23rd.  It happened when the Mark Benevolent Fund responded to a late appeal for funds.  This would enable them to stock up their food bank and to … Continued